I have met many travelers over the past few months and it seems that we all have the same problem; keeping our friends and family updated with everything that we are doing. Imagine re-telling your favourite stories over and over again. It kinda takes away the magic of that very story, eh?
Basically this blog is for all friends and family that I've met and will meet. (if per chance any people who do not know me read this, I swear to god I am mentally stable. I've been checked).
where to start? I have so many things I want to write about, from meeting amazing people, to amazing places and definitely about amazing food! And lots of it, did I mention how much the washing machines here shrink your clothing??? So I guess I'll have to pull a Ted Mosby and start at the beginning. the beginning before the beginning that is...
1. The beginning before the sort of beginning
Booking my flight to Thailand
I should let you guys know that, unlike most people I'm not the "well I've dreamed of teaching little kids abroad my entire life" type. Frankly kids used to scare the shit out of me. And for good reason too, have you seen the teeth on those things??? Jokes aside, I honestly saw myself as more of a coach than a teacher type. Therefore after finishing matric (senior year) I made plans to work at an american summer camp.I can't remember the reasons for me not being able to go to America, but my travel agent let me know of a teaching camp in Thailand rather than America that I would be well suited for. A teaching camp turned into a homestay programme and when I got to Thailand, a three month homestay programme turned into A permanent teaching position in the middle of nowhere. (this is the part where my dad is thinking I ALWAYS TELL THAT CHILD SHE'S FOREVER CHANGING HER PLANS!!!)
Once I got the "where am I going???" bit sorted, everything else from the paperwork, flights and farewells took a total of two months. Next thing I knew it was the fifth of April and I was on my first independent international venture!
I thought all of this through thoroughly. not.
(Abu Dhabi international Airport: The first leg of my 36 hour long adventure to Bangkok. 14 hour stop-overs are the most fun.)
2. The sort of beginning
who the hell is Jose???
I think I speak on behalf of most of most of the people from the April group when I say that this was one of the first things which I wanted to know when arriving in Bangkok. Why? Well, when going through my emails at Abu Dhabi international, I received a message from one "Jose Rodrigues" asking if anyone from our group would be arriving in Bangkok early. Being the person I am, I immediately responded and let him know that I would be in Bangkok a day early, He then responded and said that he would meet me in the lobby of the hotel when I arrived so that all of the people who came early could go out, needless to say I was thrilled at how easy it seemed to make friends with the new group of people I would be spending my next month with.
Before I go on with my story I should let everyone who doesn't know me well enough by now know that I spend my free time 'researching' people on Facebook. Basically, if I can, I want to know what you look like so I know how to dress. When researching the name Jose Rodrigues, There was only one positive match, and that was for the most fabulous.com guy on Earth (I should also mention the only mutual friends with this person was all of my gay friends.) Needless to say I assumed the man I would be meeting was fabulous and gay. I therefore found it necessary to dress up in an equally fabulous freakum dress.
When I got to the lobby, I think I must have waited for about twenty minutes before I realized that no one was showing up. It took me less than twenty minutes to realize that my uncanny resemblance to Asian people and my amazing dress would make it easy for people to mistake me for a Thai prostitute. So instead of a night out on the town I was alone in a hotel lobby with random sixty year-olds gawking at me.So a shout out to my favorite Dominican, (and not the fabulous gay I thought you to be) you made my first night in Bangkok an interesting one! These events also lead me to meet Kate in the elevator on my way back to my room so I guess everything happens for a reason huh?
One of the parks in Bangkok
A "spirit house", they're found on the outside of most Thai structures. Helpful spirits are believed to keep the people in Thailand safe and bring good luck , the spirits are offered shelter, food and gifts... hence the houses
The Giant Ferris Wheel at Asiatique, Bangkok
The end of the first beginning
As I sit here about to end off the first part of my new blog I can honestly tell you that I never saw myself where I am today. More so I never thought I'd be nearly as happy as I am doing what I'm doing. That's the thing about leaving your comfort zone... You only realize how much you've confined yourself once those same confines are nothing but a distant memory... So for all of you going about your usual business I beg you to escape the norm and do something crazy and different. If not today well then make yourself the mental promise of someday, AND KEEP IT! No matter how crazy your ideas may seem... Because personally, the feeling of knowing that I've done something I've always wanted to is the most amazing and fulfilling feelings I've ever felt...